Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facts about Elevate Recovery Party Pills

Elevate is a legal high pill that has found acceptance among recreational drug users. As a recovery party pill, Elevate is one of the powerful legal drugs which enhances the effects of herbal highs and facilitates smooth relaxation from being high to a peaceful sleep.

The Main Ingredient of Elevate

Elevate is mainly composed of 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) which is a chemical compound produced in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. 5-HTP has been used in alternative medicine to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic headaches and even Parkinson’s disease. It can be extracted from the seeds of the African herb Griffonia simplicifolia.

How Elevate Works

5-HTP enables legal high Elevate to boost the production of serotonin, a “happy” hormone that helps regulate appetite and mood. When serotonin is increased, feelings of happiness, self-worth and confidence are magnified. That is why Elevate can be used as an herbal high medication for depression.  More than that, Elevate intensifies the effects of legal highs on the user.

Enhanced serotonin due to intake of Elevate also allows the user to get a peaceful sleep since serotonin is also the hormone in-charge of regulating sleep and body temperature. This ensures that the user will have a smooth time to come down and relax after getting legal high moments.

How to Use Elevate 

To amplify and extend the power of herbal highs, one Elevate tablet should be ingested one hour before taking the legal high and 4 another hours into it. 

An hour before sleep, users should take another Elevate pill to assist in the recovery quickly.

Pregnant women and person with mental conditions should not use Elevate.

Elevate is a 100% natural legal high that contains no prohibited substances and 100 percent natural.

Elevate can be bought from online legal highs UK store, OnlinePartyPills.

1 comment:

  1. Smoking black incense was helpful but I don't think it can guarantee good health.


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