Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Legal Highs and Herbal Incense: The Legal Alternative to Marijuana

Incense blends are a major hit in the market today. These blends which are also called legal highs are made of different herbs and plants that can mimic the effect of hard and illicit substances like marijuana.

Because of its property to deliver a potent high and induce euphoria, many people are turning to these legal highs. In return, herbal highs are considered to be the best legal alternative for illegal drugs such as cocaine, speed and ecstasy.

The main reason why legal highs are now accepted in society is because they do not contain any traces of the psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannnibanol (THC). THC is known to cause high blood pressure, slow, loss of body coordination and dry mouth among many others which if it happens consistently will pose a great risk on the user’s health.

The ingredients in legal highs are natural plant herbs that do not only offer euphoric experience but also offer therapeutic benefits. Legal highs emit a relaxing smoke when burnt and naturally stimulate the body’s senses to get high.

One of the most popular brand legal highs today is Kronic.

Kronic is an amazing new high strength potent incense blend that emits a very pleasant smoke when burnt. It comes in four varieties, the Kronic Original, Kronic Skunk, Kronic Tropical Explosion, Kronic Purple Haze and Kronic Pineapple Express.

Each of this legal high offers a potent kick of euphoria that could last for hours but with a twist. They offer the perfect solution to get high as if you are using real marijuana but without the harsh comedowns. 

That is because Kronic legal highs are made of natural ingredients and manufactured to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Kronic is 100% undetectable on any drug test.

These legal highs cost only a fraction of the price of unsafe, addictive and illegal drugs.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing a useful stuff and seems to be helpful, I'm not expert with Herbal blend but I know in my friends that this will lead you feel good and must know how to manage yourself.


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